Origin8 Banjo Chain Tensioner

Color: Black
Sale price$12.00


Minimalist chain tensioner in black or silver that fits Wabi wheels well. Recommended for Wabi wheelsets on frames with thin dropouts.

Chain tensioners are great for dialing in chain tension, keeping your chain tight, and keeping your dropouts from getting marred by your wheels. While not absolutely necessary, they make your life a little easier. These ones from Origin8 are good quality and low profile while still allowing universal fitment. 

  • Includes: Two tensioners
  • Material: Forged alloy
  • Color: Black
  • Fitment: All single speed or fixed gear bikes with horizontal dropouts

These work well for thin dropouts and Wabi wheels. If you don't want a full tensioner, you can also cutoff the tensioner and just keep the wheel bolt portion to ensure fit.